Friday, September 3, 2010

Wedding Bells

Hey you! Happy Friday! I'm finally getting around to posting some wedding photos from the weekend. I wasn't sure how many to post, so here's a little taste of what we took.

Colin and Therese incorporated various Celtic elements into their wedding. It was a beautiful day... an outdoor wedding with a delicious supper in a big lodge-type building. Here are their programs:

The two of us got all shined up. Daniel was in the wedding party, so he was snazzy in his pinstriped tux. I wanted to match the wedding colours, but not be wearing purple, if you know what I mean. Match, not try to be a bridesmaid. I found my never-been-worn Calvin Klein dress at Value Village - how sweet was that?! My hair comb was from Whichgoose on Etsy. Now that the wedding's over, I can't wait to wear it all the time!

There was rain off and on all day - the chairs were actually set up in the tent right beside the outdoor location, and moved back out just before the ceremony. It rained on our wedding day, too - but an overcast sky makes the best pictures. The location was gorgeous - right on the Bras D'or Lakes. The program boys were just chilling before everyone arrived:

My official date for the wedding was Daniel's step-mom. Daniel's dad married them, so her and I were both flying solo and decided to hang out. But... this little cutie in the MacLennan tartan bow tie was my partner in crime for most of the day. This kid kills me. I actually whispered into his baby brother's ear, "Just so you know, R's my favourite, but when you get bigger, you might be equal." He's 5 months, I don't think I offended him :)

The most face-on shot of the bride and groom that I got all day. Hopefully we can have some copies of their professional pics when they get them back. Speaking of professional, go check out their photographer - he's awesome! I saw some sneak peeks from the day - amazing - but they won't get their photos for another 8 - 10 weeks.

We of course had to take some classic self-portraits. What would the day be without the arm reach? Cute...

... and mafia...

The tables at the reception were beautiful, my photos don't do them justice. They used hydrangeas, one of my absolute favourites. Lots of candles, too... love 'em.

The wedding cake was amazing! They asked Daniel's mom to make a rustic looking cake, and Therese's mom arranged the flowers. Colin made the cake stand from a couple of tree trunk... Therese had seen a similar one in a magazine, and he's crafty like that... what a keepsake!

The flower girl was as cute as a button. I'm a little biased, she is my niece, after all. She was my table buddy at the reception - cutie. She was totally unperturbed by me asking to see her shoes... Italic

... and that's it for share-ables! I hope you liked the glimpse into their special day. It was a great experience, and I'm glad I got to be a part of it.

I hope you have a fantastic weekend - a long one at that - and be careful with Hurricane Earl around!

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