Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Quebec City : Graffiti

travel, quebec city, graffiti, street art, polka dot soup, quebec, canada, tagging, colour, paint

travel, quebec city, graffiti, street art, polka dot soup, quebec, canada, tagging, colour, paint

travel, quebec city, graffiti, street art, polka dot soup, quebec, canada, tagging, colour, paint

travel, quebec city, graffiti, street art, polka dot soup, quebec, canada,tagging, colour, paint

Three weeks ago, my husband and I took a train trip to Quebec City during my study break from design school. While there, I took the opportunity to get some use out of my new Nikon D5100 camera. I purchased my Nikon at the beginning of 2013 and I'm slowly getting more practice. Living in a rural community allows me to take more nature based outdoor photographs, so when given the opportunity to visit a larger centre, I'm insanely attracted to the architecture, lines, and art. We spend the entire week in the older part of the city, commonly called Old Quebec City.

Something that really caught my eye? Street art - also known as graffiti. The colourful, stencil styled graffiti was incredibly eye-catching and I was excited to be able to document it. Most of the pieces that I discovered were a bit of social commentary as opposed to "tagging" and were easily legible. 

When street art is tastefully done (as seen in the images above) I am immediately attracted to it. If I was a local business owner and my building was painted I'm not sure that I would have such an optimistic feeling. The streets of Old Quebec City are clean, the buildings well-kept, and all of the streets are brightly lit. The contrast between the edgy spray painted art and the old brick and stone structures is quite startling. 

What's your stance on graffiti? Is it an eyesore? A means of expressing yourself creatively? Destructive? Constructive? Are you intrigued by graffiti or repulsed by it? Feel free to share your thoughts on street art.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. ooh, love the first one, and adore the fleur-de-lis with the shark!
    you ooze artistry, friend. i'm equal parts impressed and intimidated by your amazing talent!


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