Tuesday, October 15, 2013

New Adventure : Preserving

A wonderful book on preserving - I highly recommend it!
A locally grown red pepper, ripe and ready
Something about the cooler weather, more time spent indoors and the strong desire for comfort during the fall makes me eager to try new projects. This week, I've decided to tackle preserving. I have wanted to make preserves for the past several harvests, but due that bad habit of procrastination, I never had the opportunity. I'm surrounded by talented women in my life that have wonderfully filled cupboards and shelves year after year. This year, I also started reading several blogs that have a hand in preserving - my favourite being Natalie Creates.

Two years ago, I purchased The Complete Book of Small-Batch Preserving as a Christmas present for my mother after reading a library copy, and several weeks ago, I borrowed it from her. I stuck a bookmark or two (or fifteen!) in my favourite recipes and began the search for the ingredients. Dan and I have had a handmade Christmas for the past four years, where all of our gifts that we share with others are handmade by us or purchased from a crafter. Due to a desire to decrease our Christmas spending this year, I have hopes of making the majority of our presents this year. A fun bottle of flavourful jam or chutney would be a welcomed gift in any home, so I'm eager to get started.

One recipe that I'm excited to try is herb jelly. I have a few herbs that are still thriving in my containers on my step outside, and I'd like to try a combination of apple and rosemary. Wouldn't it be delicious with a pork roast, mashed potatoes, and roasted vegetables? (Can you tell that it's suppertime? LOL.)

I've yet to set a day to begin my new adventure (actually, I had wanted to start last night but it just wasn't in the cards - darn old nausea) but I'll keep you posted as to how I make out! I'm excited, and slightly terrified, to get started.

How about you? Have you tried preserving? Any other new recipe escapades? I'd love to hear from you!

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. A few years ago I ventured into the world of preserves and made dill pickles, apple sauce, and plum butter. I remember it was a lot of fun, and very satisfying work. I'd love to do more of it, but now that I don't live with my mom I no longer have a big preserving kettle. Perhaps I ought to invest in one and get back into it!


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