Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Little Lentil : 33 Weeks

After our baby-moon weekend, the reality that the baby's due soon has really hit! I have four weeks left of my work placement for my Graphic Design program, and then the baby is due two weeks after that. Dan and I have a few things to get ready for the baby, but for the most part, all of the "things" are ready, it's just time to get mentally prepared.

I've been gathering and collecting goodies for our nursery nook, and we spent a day last week getting our gear organized. I have a floating shelf that I'd like to put up on the wall in the baby's corner. I'd like to fill it will pieces of meaningful art. I have a frame and print or two that I'm planning on using, but I also wanted to make something for the shelf. After discovering a special Bible verse and an evening of crafting, I came up with a little canvas for the baby.

Building up layers of white, coral, and shades of minty green paint
The finished canvas for the bebe
Here's what's new for this week:

Week: Thirty-three

What's going on inside: Since the baby is getting so big, there's less amniotic fluid surrounding them - that's what's causing their movements to feel so intense. Seriously, sometimes I can't believe how much they're moving. We spent a lot of the trip home from Halifax on the weekend watching my stomach move back and forth. That's one active little bean in there! They are also amping up their immune system right now, getting ready for when they're out in the world.

What's going on outside: I can see how mamas start getting antsy to have their babies right about now - I know that I am! (In a way… because I'm quite content for them to keep growing and developing inside me for a few more weeks. I'm just tired of being preggo.) I am still taking medication once a day, and I messed up on my pill timing last week. The following morning, I got sick (icky!), so I guess that proves that I still need to be on medication! I also slipped on the ice last week, nothing major, but my muscles were extra sore for a few days.

How big is that lentil? The lentil is growing like mad! They're about 4 to 4.5 pounds at this point. The fruit comparison is a honeydew melon this week, which sounds a little silly… can't argue with the experts, though. 

Total weight loss/gain: I've been gaining about a pound per week (as judging by my doctor's appointments). This will take me up to just about my pre-baby weight, which is a nice amount. I had lost between 20-25 pounds in about three weeks in the first trimester, so for my body, that's a good amount of weight gain in total for pregnancy. It'll be awesome to have the baby and weigh less than before getting preggo!

Food cravings: I haven't had any cravings this week, other than Thai food (but that's simply because I had access to it while we were away over the weekend). I haven't been able to eat large quantities, since the baby's so high and there's quite a bit of pressure, but that just means smaller, more frequent meals. That I can handle!

Best moment this week: We picked up our stroller and car seat that was delivered to my friend Heidi's place. Dan spent Sunday evening putting everything together and reading every last instruction manual. I'm more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants person, so I was thankful that I married a keener ;)

Happy Tuesday!

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