Monday, December 31, 2012

Multitude Monday: The Best Things from 2012

It's bright and not-so-early on Monday morning. We lost our power during the night, so I took the opportunity to sleep in - you can't do a Christmas clean-up when you don't have any power, can you? :) Today is going to be spent getting caught up on all of the household mess that built up over the holidays. I may even tackle cleaning our fridge and cupboards for a fresh start in 2013. Don't hold me to that, though.

For the final Multitude Monday of 2012, I decided to list the ten things that I'm most thankful for right now. I want to remember this moment and how blessed I was this year - so many amazingly wonderful changes happened in 2012 and I don't ever want to forget them. Feel free to chime in through the comments, your blog, or a journal/diary/piece of paper. Reflecting on the positive is such a fantastic way to appreciate what we have.

Today, as the last day of 2012, I'm thankful for:

611 - a perfect Saviour who died to free me from my sins and the punishment that I rightfully deserve
612 - a wonderful husband and loving family that are happy, healthy, and full of unconditional love
613 - overcoming my fears and driving our standard transmission car daily
614 - taking my first solo flight to visit some very special friends in Thunder Bay
615 - deciding on a career that I want and taking the necessary steps to becoming a graphic designer by going back to school
616 - gaining confidence in facing my strengths and weaknesses and learning to reach out and not face problems alone
617 - realizing that in order to make necessary changes, I need to be less afraid of what others think, and more concerned with what God thinks
618 - being aware of the fact that not everything that I envisioned for my future is "in the cards" and being okay with that
619 - being a strong, healthy individual and beginning to make changes to make myself even healthier
620 - having a blog that serves as an outlet for emotions, creativity, and the need to be heard

I'd love to hear one thing (or several!) that you're most thankful for in 2012. Has this been a positive year for you? Why or why not?

Happy Monday... and Happy New Year!

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