Thursday, November 21, 2013

Multitude Always

I know that it isn't Monday, and I'm not sharing ten things that I'm thankful for, so this isn't a Multitude Monday post. However, I did snap these photos on Monday of four little things that brighten up my day, and I think that's worth sharing here. 

This week, I'm thankful for:

Albums with lovely cover art and tunes to keep me company

Watching the fog slowly dissipate on my morning drive to school

Getting a parking spot in the paved parking lot at school (this is a rarity)

Carrying all of my extras in to school in the pretty Trader Joe's bag that Ashley gave to me
It was a dark, gloomy morning on Monday (heck, almost every morning has been lately!) and I needed to take my mind out of the mopey state that it was in. Taking a moment to take these photos worked like a charm :) It's so easy to slip into a daily routine and feel less than satisfied by the mundane tasks and easily irritated when things don't go according to plan. Sometimes, in order to turn a day around, you need to take a step back and look at the big picture; other times, you need to step in a little closer and examine those tiny things that make you smile. You can see God's love and mercies all around you - in the little and big things. It's so easy to lose focus of that fact.

I hope my few words help you to look at the little things in your day today that made you smile or gave you a moment of thankfulness. Have a lovely evening!

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